FAQ (FREE PEAF Certified Self-Study)

Is this really free?

The PDF training materials are free and you can study for as long as you wish.

If you wish to take the certification exams these can be purchased later through your exam dashboard.

You say its free but then you charge for Certification. Why?

Certification costs us money because we provide the examiner to administer and mark the exams.

Why are you giving this away for free? What's the catch?

There is no catch.

We understand that individuals are investing their time in learning our frameworks and so we invest in them by providing their training for free.

Our stated mission is to "provide Enterprises with Pragmatic frameworks, to enable them to Pragmatically increase their maturity of HOW they effect Transformation".

Too much money, time and effort is wasted because Enterprises are not getting the basics of EA right. We want to change that. Pragmatically.

Do I need to buy the books?

You do not need any other materials than what’s provided for download. However, many people have found that having hardcopy books is extremely useful when studying initially and as a reference source thereafter.

If you’d like to see the books available for purchase please visit here.

How long will it take me to complete each module?

That is totally up to you.

Each module equates to 1 day in a face to face instructor led course, so theoretically you could learn each module in 1 day.

However, since learning by reading instead of interactively with an instructor is harder, it is more likely that you would study 1 module per week or 1 module per month. 

When and where can I sit the exams?

The exams are run online at 0800 and 1700 GMT most Tuesdays and Thursdays.

You can take them from anywhere in the world via smartphone, tablet or PC via a browser.

How do I book an exam?

When you sign up, you will be given a link to your personal exam Dashboard which lists the status of your exams and provides links to book them.

Is Self Study the only service you provide?

In addition to the free self study option, we also offer other paid value added services:

  • On-Site Instructor Led Training – For individuals but especially groups and organisations, providing a richer more interactive experience.

  • Online Live Instructor Led Training – For individuals who want to pick and choose where and when to study.

  • Q&A/surgery sessions – Face2Face add-ons for those that have trained online (i.e. a hybrid solution for folk with limited budget/time out of office available)

  • Coaching – Ongoing support (calls, emails, …) not just in application of PEAF and POET but EA career and capability development in general.

  • Consultancy – Direct assistance in the development of or an uplift in an organisation’s Transformation and/or Enterprise Architecture capability

How is PEAF different from TOGAF?

  • TOGAF is not an EA framework, whereas PEAF is.

  • TOGAF is more useful for maturing how you run IT projects, while PEAF is more useful for maturing all the work that has to be done BEFORE you start executing projects (aka Strategising, Roadmpapping and Governance/Lobbying aka Enterprise Architecture)

  • PEAF concentrates on the 20% that creates 80% of the benefit, while TOGAF concentrates on the 80% that creates 20% of the benefit.

  • You can read this and this for more details.

  • In addition, you can read here, to see how Pragmatic differentiates itself from other framework providers 

© 2008-2021 Pragmatic 365 Ltd         A Non-Profit dedicated to improving Transformation, and the lives of people that work in Transformation.